
Extra mouths

Extra mouths (Common Myth)

Category: Teeth/Jaw

A mythical trait that manifests in the form of extra mouths on the leech. 

These mouths can behave as a regular mouth by carrying and digesting food to the stomach, making noises, tasting and other such functions, but in some cases they are more like functional pockets with no tract to lead back to the leech's digestive system.  Your leech may have a mouth dedicated for screaming and nothing else, so please make sure you are well informed by your breeder before dedicating yourself to a leech featuring this trait! 

The jaws and teeth on these mouths can all be the same or a variety of mixed and matched types, the mouths can be placed on anywhere on the body. The mouths can't replace other body parts!

Note: Only one upgrade tadpole is needed to apply several mouths. 

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